Digital Drum Kit
Coding Simon Says game
Art Print Sale Add Banner
this is my alt text
UI design for mobile app
Promo website for small restaurant
this is my alt text
Logo design for travel company
this is my alt text
Game coding a fake frogger
Done in Adobe Illustrator. Used in various products including SKILLS for Autism.
Illustrations for Center for Autism
Illustration for Society6
Promo website for retail shop
Illustration for Society6
Stop motion animation


Drum Kit

appBrewery Bootcamp assignment to code a digital drum kit with given starting assets. Developed with HTML, CSS , and Javascript.



* This webapp was built for desktop

View Map

Veevs Fave Spots

Done for a Udacity class (third-party API services), I was tasked with the challenge of customizing a map web application using google Maps API.



* This webapp was built for desktop

Play Game

Fake Frogger

Done for a Udacity Front-End Dev class, I was provided with visual assets and a game loop engine. I had to program a number of entities to the game including the player characters and enemies to recreate the classic arcade game Frogger.



Wanderlust Tomorrow

Logo designed for travel company, Wanderlust Tomorrow. Conceptualized in Adobe Draw, finalized in Illustrator.



Mermaid Smile

Illustration done for my Society6 shop. Inspired by the magic of mermaids, done in Adobe mobile apps: Sketch, Capture and Draw.



Mermaid Shop

Promotional website for small retail business. Done with HTML, CSS, Javascript, MailChimp and Bootstrap.



Vivi's Unicorn Pony

Fun loving design featured in my Society6 shop, inspired by my niece's first birthday. Done in Procreate app with iPad pro.



Taqueria Restaurant

Website template for small business, done with HTML, CSS, Javascript and W3.css



When Life Throws You Lemons...

Done for a motion graphics class. This stop motion animation was created with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere.



* This webapp was built for desktop

Play Game

Simon Says

appBrewery Bootcamp project to code the game "Simon Says" with given starting assets. Developed with HTML, CSS , and Javascript.



Chuck E Cheese's Funner

Concept app design done in a Interface Design class. Inspired by popular apps like Fruit Ninja and the Chuck E. Cheese website. I created screens for a Chuck E. Cheese concept game app for kids, in addition with useful addons for their parents.



SKILLS for Autism

Brain illustrations for Center for Autism and Related Dis. and their web product SKILLS for Autism. Done in Adobe Illustrator, to be used as an SVG.



Art Print Sale Banner

This interactive advertisement banner was made to promote the sale of art prints for Inspiretosmile. Created with Adobe Animate, published as HTML5 Canvas.

animate banner